Thorough employment agreements help legal practices protect themselves against possible employee misconduct, set expectations, give clear rules for employees and protect the firm. Additionally a comprehensive employment agreement defines work obligations, clarifies compensation, and explains termination. Because each law firm is unique in its practice areas, employment agreements can address compensation and benefits that the employee will receive, including when and how pay raises can occur. Another important detail employment agreements can address is the grounds for termination of an employee. Another potential aspect of employment agreements is the determination of who pays liability insurance. In law offices, having liability insurance coverage provides both peace of mind and a safety net if a client does end up brining a claim against the firm. Generally legal practices carry liability insurance that covers all employees, including attorneys, assistants, and paralegals. Law firms being a place of expertise, have a keen interest in preserving clients and practice areas. A law firm is dependent on the clients who come seeking the services that specific firm provides. Employees learn confidential and sensitive information about the law firm and clients in particular. Confidentiality clauses and non-solicitation provisions may also be sought to offer the highest level of protection possible for the firm. Clarior Law is poised to assist Law Firms of all sizes with employment agreements.